Friday, October 19, 2007

A Day Away

Janice and several of the kids went on a field trip with the other students yesterday. The school took 2 buses full of people to the mountains where they visited an old abbey that is almost 1000 years old.

I stayed home with the 3 youngest (plus Emma who wasn't feeling well). We didn't do much except play around and watch a few videos. After nap time (for Esther and Tawnee... and ok, I took one too) we made cookies. The cookies taste good but don't look anything like "normal" chocolate chip cookies. Janice says it is because the brown sugar found here in France isn't quite the brown sugar we all know and love.

The kids received some letters in the mail today and yesterday. Thanks, Derouins! (It was like Christmas with all of the hooping and hollering when they opened them.)

Here are a few pictures from yesterday's trip. Enjoy.
You'll notice the picture of Alex reading. There must be at least 4 or 5 similar pictures of her doing that. (She started and read that book while on the trip.... And, I wouldn't be surprised if she talked to each and every person too.)



Mrs. D said...

Cool pictures! Sounds like fun.

We are wondering what book Alex is reading? Is it a book she already read and brought from here? Does she read French? Or is she finding English books there?

Thanks for the blog - we check every day and love hearing everything.

April said...

Great adventure! I'm glad that Alex is staying true to herself and reading unceasingly. French or English it doesn't matter. I love you Al'!
The ground in the picture of Alex looks like rocks or shells....kinda weird...maybe it is just blurred? What is it?
Love, joy, peace,

Anonymous said...

I've seen a few beautiful places in my life so far and I think I've really appreciated them. You guy's are seeing things that will stay with you for life, embrace them. It looks very beautiful over there and I'm sure you enhance the scenery... OK, maybe not. Love you all very much!


April said...
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Anonymous said...

It looks like you have pop and chips there! I see Alex's snacks in her picture.

The scenery is gorgeous! It's fun to imagine people hundreds & hundreds of years ago walking those same paths you got to go on, and the clothes they were wearing and the horses the used to get around on....
Love to you all,
Auntie Lisa