Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Snow Men and A Nativity Scene

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all are having a great day. We are. We finally were able to purchase a decent fake tree today. We put it in the front room. With the lights and the ornaments that the kids made it doesn't look half bad. That's more of a credit to the kids' artistic abilities than anything else.

What do you think of Gracey's nativity scene? These looked pretty neat until Esther go a hold of them. (By the way, and Gracey would never tell you this, but she did several months of internet research and countless "practice" figurines until finally, after a painstaking session in the kitchen, she was able to produce these life like, scale model "little people" complete with their Biblically accurate placement around the cradle.)

Also, you can see the snow men in the photo below. We were sent several snowman "kits" in the mail and these are the fruits of the younger kids' efforts.

It isn't hard to imagine that we've got several promising artists in the Flude house. And, they owe all of their artisitc ability, and I mean every wonderful ounce of it, to their parents. We couldn't be more proud and they couldn't be more grateful.

More later.



Anonymous said...

Gracey, great job on the figures! You did fabulous! Is that modeling clay? Or did you make your own dough?
Merry Christmas,
Love Auntie Lisa

Anonymous said...

yes it is modeling clay.
thank you for your kind and oh so generous comments:)

love you and merry christmas
love gg

Anonymous said...

wait just a minuite, is that just two wise men and a black mary??? and where did Joseph get that sleveless white jump suit? what book have you been reading from?

Love you!

Uncle Donnie

1+1=13 said...

Donnie, ok, first of all, people that live in the area where Mary lived were of darker color, second, we really don't know how many wise men there were --it just says "wise men" and Dude, sleveless white jump suits were all the rage in Joseph's time!!
We just let her imagination soar!!
You crack me up brother,
love you so much,

Anonymous said...

OK, Matthew 2:1 and Matthew 2:11 back your "wise men" claim. I never usually read the instruction manual either...


1+1=13 said...

One thing's for sure... the wise men didn't come from Wazzu. For that matter neither did the Virgin mother! Ha!


Anonymous said...

Steven Trigve Flude (not sure how to spell your middle name, but felt necessary to use it!!) now what brought on the blasphemous comments about Wazzu?
We are minding our own business....

Mrs. D said...

Oh I love this - love the figurines GG - good job! Love all the comments - what a good laugh!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

I love your nativity set and am so sad that Esther did it in, because I think we should have saved it!
Sometimes we just have to make due with what we have to work with,even if we end up the butt of the joke!
Uncle Donnie has a great sense of humor and all the "buzz" of responce is lots of fun.
Remember that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and I'm sure JESUS loved the nativity scene that you created just for his birthday!
The snowmen are cute and think of it this way, they kept the little hands busy!
CHRISTMAS, how special a time for all of us to appreciate each other and all the talent!
Lots of Love