Saturday, December 15, 2007

It's about time....

Sorry for the lapse between posts. We've been in kind of a mini-choas around here. I've got 4 days worth of testing that I've been studying for and Janice and the kids have been trying to get stuff lined up for Christmas: presents needed to be bought, wrapped, and shipped. It has been a bigger chore than I thought it would be.

Speaking of getting presents shipped off. Janice and I took 3 boxes to "La Poste" (the post-office) yesterday. It was quite cold outside and thankfully I ran into a buddy out in front of our house who offered the use of his car. It was much appreciated. Anyway, we made it to the post office just fine (Keturah came with us) and after about a 10 minute wait we made it to the front of the line. The woman behind the counter took one look at us and got up and left. About 3 minutes later she came back with 3 packing labels for us to fill out. We moved off to the side and filled them out. When we finally got back in front of her she went into slow-down-mode. Man, if she had moved any slower she'd have been moving backwards. It was ridiculous. (I can honestly say that I'll never again complain about slowwwww service from the US Postal Service. Although, as far as I can tell, there must be an International School For Perpetually Slow and Uninspired Service that postal workers world-wide attend. Yikes.)

Finally, Janice thought it would be a good idea to ask for more of the packing labels so that we could have them at home. (They don't have that type of thing sitting out like they do in the States.) She asked me how to ask for more. I offered, "Je voudrais plus <<>> s'il vous plait" which means, "I would like more of these <<>> please". Janice didn't feel comfortable saying that - and for some lame reason I didn't ask the lady - so instead she says "Do you speak English?" Without missing a beat from what she was doing the woman says - in perfect English - "No!".

Well, any of you who know my wife can just picture in your mind what her body language was saying right after this little exchange. I don't remember exactly what she said next to me but I know it wasn't "Do you think she understood me?"

We finally left without our packages and about 120 Euros lighter in the wallet. Needless to say it was a quiet ride home (and somehow I don't think it was completely related to the 'nice' postal employee... maybe my lack of help contributed to the 'nice' and quiet ride home).

Thankfully, Janice didn't give me Look Number 57. That bad boy is only used under the most dire of circumstances that only Janice, April, and Judy can define. (If you don't believe me just ask Ray or Greg!)

See you.



April said...

What do you mean 3 boxes? Janice, I thought that you were sending one box...? The other boxes must be to friends like the D's!

Wow! that's a lot of french baguettes!

We got our box that turned into two boxes out also. Hope you receive them in time for the party!

Jouex Anniversaire Jesus!

Anonymous said...

What a project......getting all the mailings ready and to the post office, while still running a household and getting ready for days of testing, but thank God for the car!
We will be missing you this Christmas and all during this Holiday Season, but know that God is near.
Steve, so you think us having a blogsight is weird? Explain!
Love Always
Moma Judy

1+1=13 said...

Judy, the blog isn't "weird" just all of you are. Ha!

Oh yeah, and thanks for the blender. I love it. We've put it to good use, especially Payton who seems to have inherited his dad's taste for those cold and creamy milkshakes that just seem to make themselves in that contraption. Yum yum.