Friday, December 7, 2007

Just Another beautiful Albertville Sunrise and more...

This is how it looks every early morning...well, of course not when there is fog!! I thought it looked like the other side of the alps were on fire. So beautiful, and to think, heaven will be more beautiful than this or than we can imagine. The photo that is vertical is a bit blurry since I was trying to focus in on the moon in the upper right hand side, it was a nice cresent moon.
The last two mountain photos are of the other side of the alps (West side!!)and maybe you can see that there is color even over there. It was kind of pinkish purple.
Then there is Emma drinking out of Ethan sippy cup doing some kind of weird dance, Ethan and Tawnee and lastly (oh Alex is just gonna love that I added this) Alex has had some foot trouble lately, if you look closely you can see her right foot has an arch in it but the left one is straight. She could hardly walk the first day that it was swollen. The swelling has gone down a bit but the arch has not come back...oh poor Alex and all her shoe and feet problems!!

It has been raining here a lot lately, just if it was about 10 degrees colder we would be snowed in!! It hasn't stopped raining all day. Reminds us of Seattle so it feels good.

We have our first visitor!! Photos to come.

Have a great day today!
love from here,


Anonymous said...

What very gorgeous pictures! That is an amazing view you have.

Poor Ali Baba! If it's not the feet, its the ankles or the knees... Are you done growing yet girl? I see you are embracing the European way!!
Auntie Lisa

Anonymous said...

So sorry Ali,
What can we do?
The sunrise is beautiful, my compliments to the photographer!
We wouldd love to be there and see the sunrise with you,but it's good to see that God is chairman of the entertainment committy there in France!
LOVE into Eternity
G'ma Judt

Mrs. D said...

Love the pictures! Wow, that would be worth waking up early for...

Alex - I hope your feet (foot) is feeling better. I know about sore feet! It is NOT fun. How did you hurt it? What is going on?

Keep dancing Emma :-)

Love ya!