Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Hello all!
It's been a pretty busy past couple of days as we have been occupied with lots of rain and people coming and going here at the Welcome Center.  Thankfully, in the midst of it all, everybody is healthy!  We've not been able to say that much over the past several months.  Thanks for your prayers.
Today Janice and I went shopping in town.  We even made it out to the big market in the city center.  I always enjoy the time I get to spend with my wife and today was no different.
While we were out shopping, Janice and the kids were texting back and forth quite a bit as one of our dogs and one of our cats were giving birth.  I think the final tally is 7 puppies and 4 kittens.  Yikes!  Janice was beside herself for much of the day.  She wanted to get home and "help" or watch or something.  I told her that dogs and cats have been doing this sort of thing for many, many years and that neither one of them needed her there.  I don't think she was too upset with me.  Ha!
We had a plumber out today for a repair on the feed line from the water tank.  It took him two days to get it right but I think now it is ok.  I know we are all relieved to have water flowing properly again.
Earlier tonight Janice hit the pinky toe on her right foot agains the couch.  Poor thing is hobbling around the house right now.  If it weren't so painful for her I'd think it was funny.  She looks like an 85 year old women who spent too much time on her feet.  I told her that it figured since she's been feeling pretty good it didn't surprise me that something would come up and "afflict" her.
Earlier today we bought some Rice Chrispies.  So, after dinner Janice and I made marshmallows.  It took us about 90 minutes to get them completed and then we made Rice Krispy Treats.  They were very rich but they were good.  Kids seemed to like them.
Hope your September is off to a good starts.
Until next time.


Mercy said...

Wow! Please tell Kumba congratulations for me! :-)

Mom said...

So happy for all of you that everyone is O>K> right at this time.
Also thankful for the plumer and that the water is all working again....I can't imagine trying to cope with those kinds of problems....so sorry about the little toe that is crying all the way home, no wait that wasn't it at all! Sorry the toe is making you limp like your mother Janice.
It was nice to hear about your enjoyable trip into the center of town and amusing to hear about your prolific pets!
Praying God meets all of your needs, as ever.
Love Mom