Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday, 28 August 2009

Interesting day today.  Didn't rain but water everywhere.  Toilets still don't work.  Spent most of the day in the office sending emails and answering emails.
Liddy is really feeling quite well now.  I just asked her how she's doing and she said "I feel normal, but my stomache is just a little sensitive".  That's an answer to prayer.  About the only thing lingering with her is that she's still taking her meds and wants to know when she can stop.  She's evidently tired of taking them.
With all the rain the last couple of days it has been hard to keep the kids from playing in it.  I must admit it is very refreshing to be out in it, especially when you realize that the temps drop to the low eighties or less with no humidity.  But, and this is a Big but, it is important to remember where one lives.  This isn't downtown Mt. Vernon, WA or even good ol' Fergus Falls.  This is Chad, Africa.  And, as such, it pays to remember that there are all kinds of "nice" little creatures, visible and invisible to the naked eye, that would just love to snuggle up inside your body and "hitch a ride" so to speak.  The net result of all the kids playing outside?  Two of them have new best friends who will be hanging around with them until the medicine does its good work.  I don't know about you but I prefer to stay dry when it rains around here and I certainly won't be playing in it any time soon.  YUCK!!!
The 5 oldest are going to a get together tomorrow afternoon so that'll give Janice a bit of a rest as she won't need to make dinner for the always hungry teenagers.  (Man do they eat a lot.... Especially Libby.  Who would've thought a girl that skinny could pack away what seems like 50 or 60 pounds of food a day.  Holy Cow!!!)
That's it for now.
Hope you all have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Mrs. D said...

Hehehe - our food bill is substantially lower now that she is there and not here! LOL

I really hope Libby and Gracey are done with the mud fighting...
