Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday, 18 Sept. 2009

Been a fun evening.  We sat down to have Bible study only to realize that I hadn't copied the pages for everyone to work from so instead we read and discussed the 4th chapter of Job.  Kids were in a silly mood so it was a minor miracle that we even finished.
Then, when we were through with that we put up the projector and watched the second episode of 24 Season 7.  (Thanks to my parents!)  Right now some of the kids and I are watching Stargate Atlantis.
Today Janice and I and 7 of the kids went to town.  While we were there we stopped at the post office and picked up 4 packages, two of which were from January.  Yes, that's right, 2 of them were sent last December and have sat in the post office for the last 9 months or so.  Incredible.
Janice and I were talking about these packages tonight, about how strange it was that we've received 3 packages in the last 2 weeks that arrived here in January but sat in the post office for the last several months.  It finally dawned on us that all 3 packages were sent last year, during the Christmas season.  So, we're thinking that since we've been receiving packages very regularly now there must've been problems in December/January with the number of packages they were receiving. 
The moral of the story?  If you sent us a package that hasn't arrived yet don't worry, it just might still get here.  Or, maybe it is here, just waiting for us at the post office to pick it up.
Hope you all have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Mama Jud's said...

Now that's the patience of JOB to wait that long for a package, but what a surprise when it finealy arrives! Praying our packages are far more timely.....Love from home.