Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Hey there!
Busy day today as there are many people staying at the Welcome Center as well as a couple of construction projects underway.
I spent most of the day working with one of our guys putting in the ceiling in the new office.  While the construction isn't too complicated it is a challenge when the thermometer is hovering right around 100 degrees or so.  I was wearing shorts.  The other guy was wearing a demin jumpsuit (the kind a mechanic might wear, for example).  I was steaming hot.  I can only imagine how hot we was.  Payton asked me, "Why is he wearing a jumpsuit, dad?"  I couldn't give him an answer since I really don't know why.
All of the new Flude animals are still alive.  This is rather remarkable when one considers how many little hands "love" on them each day.  We are hopeful that all of them make it to see their 1 month birthday.
It was Ethan's 7th birthday today.  Strangely, nobody in the family sent him a message or called to wish him well.  He didn't seem to mind but it made me kinda sad.
Hope things are going well for you all.


Mrs. D said...

Happy Happy Birthday big Eth! We love you and miss you lots - Hope you had a great day!

The D's

Ekelund Fam said...

Happy Birthday, Ethan! Caleb says "hi". He wants to come over and play with you, but I told him that might be difficult. I think he still thinks you live at your Fergus house. I guess you guys have just been ignoring us for 2 years. haha!

Your Highly Offended Daughter said...

excues me??? i left a happy birthday wish for him on facebook and i just happen to know that so did amanda and that uncle donnie sent an email! so there! >:P


Your Highly Offended Niece said...

excuse me??!! i sent a happy birthday to Ethan on your facebook!!

love you guys!!
happy birthday(again) ethan!!!!!

Drandma Judy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ETHAN from Gramma Judy and Papa Ray
I myself had been busy for days selecting iems for a celebration for Ethan's birthday and we sent a package, which surely didn't arrive on time, so our prayers and gifts were on their way to you sweet one, but sometimes we have no idea the love that comes our way, only not just when we would hope it would! It is so hard to be so far away.....
Love and wishes for your happiness
G'ma Judy I also was waiting for payday to buy a new phone card.......