Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday, 23 Sept 09

Hi y'all....
Been pretty busy around here.  We celebrated Libby's 20th Birthday a few days ago.  She said she feels really old.  I asked her if she wanted to trade places and she said, "no".
Janice picked out a very nice color for the new office.  It's kinda a south western terra-cota look.  The painter had a difficult time matching it... no Home Depots around here!
I took the kids to the artesianale the last couple of days.  They really like the stuff there.  They also like haggling with the vendors.  Payton bought a couple of knives (he always buys knives!).  Girls bought trinkets and some paintings.  Very nice.
Everybody's healthy.  That's great news.
Take care.


Alex said...

could you puh-lees be a little more creative with your titles??


Mercy said...

Oh, fun.... there's something wonderful about bargaining and building friendships with the commerçants.

Tchiwringa said...

so i'm curious....;-) what kinda prices are the kids getting for necklaces and knives...? i should share some of my tricks with the girls...hehee