Thursday, August 6, 2009


Today I had an interesting experience.  One of our guards sent Payton into the house to tell me that a man was here who wanted to talk with me.  So, I went out to the gate and noticed that 2 men were chatting with the guard.  One was his friend.  The other was a Chadian who said he wanted to talk to me in private.  I said ok and we walked a few yards away to just the other side of the Welcome Center gate.
After a few minutes I was able to figure out that the guy was telling me that he had received a text message from a woman who said he'd one about 34,500 Francs.  He claimed that he'd called the number that came with the text only to be told that he needed an "intermediary" (his word) to help with the transaction. 
I told him that I receive several of these types of emails every month to my computer and I just ignore them and put them in the trash.  I said that in my opinion the email was a scam and that I wouldn't help him.  He wanted to know if I was French or American.  When I said, "American" he wanted to know if there were any frenchmen living here.  He didn't like it that there were no frenchmen here. 
He made on last attempt to get me to call the number (upon doing so I'm sure I would've been asked for my bank account number!) before I told him I was going home.
This little story only reinforces my belief (based upon what I've seen and experienced) that people are people and that there's more than enough sin to go around.  Apparently, scam artists aren't only limited to the States.  In my mind's eye can can see him wondering around N'djamena looking for frenchmen (why "frenchmen"? are they more gullible than us wiley ol' Americans?) who he can con out of a few bucks.
When I told Janice and the kids they were impressed that I was able to discern the trickery involved despite the "smooth" delivery of the erstwhile conman.
Hope you all have a great day and be careful with those nasty spam emails and "innocent" folks who want you to help them claim their prize!!!

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