Friday, February 1, 2008

Tres Difficile

I have come to understand that learning French is very difficult. It is very humbling to listen to people talk and not be able to understand much of what they are saying. It is equally humbling to know what you want to say but not be able to get it out. Or, to be able to get it out but sound like you have an IQ of about 2.

I can honestly say that 6 years of engineering school was easier than this for me. I have never been this frustrated with anything in my entire life. It's true!

I know, though, that He is able to get me through this. If I focus on only today I know that I'll fail but if I focus on the prize and take this journey step by step then slowly but surely things will improve.

Until next time....



The McCadam Fam said...

Oui Monsieur. Francais est tres difficile. Je n'sais pas! That was my favorite saying in highschool french class!!! I am amazed and affirmed by the faith that your whole family displays by getting up everyday and giving yourselves over to whatever the Lord has in store for you. I'm ashamed to admit it but I don't know if I could give up "my plans" and just be available to carry out His. You remind me of the fisherman that left everything and followed the Lord. You know how I love to fish!!! That may be all I end up with in the end...FISH!!! Wishing you ease in your learning. It seems like all the sudden one year it finally all started coming together for me. I'm sure soon you'll have an AH-HA moment and start speaking like you were born there!!!

Anonymous said...

yes Steve this has been quite difficult for your whole family, and I too admire your quest to do what God has called you all to do in his place. I also pray that someday soon, you will "all of a sudden" have it all make sense to each of you, especially you Steve, as the major burden of speaking will probably fall on you. This is definately the "pain" stage like in exercising and we can hardly wait for the "gain" to become your reality!
We will be praying and sacrificing in behalf of your whole family and all missionaries everywhere!
We love you more that this keyboard can possibly express to you and are with you all the way.
Love beyond words,
Moma Jud's