Monday, February 4, 2008



Payton and I watched the first half of yesterday's Superbowl on French TV. A few of the fellas fixed up a big screen TV and we watched it at the Centre. It was a good first half but I think we watched the wrong half!

We finally rolled into bed at about 2:15 AM. Boy, was I glad that I had taken a 3 hour nap during the afternoon.

The kids and I watched about 1/2 of the commercials on Youtube after lunch today. Some were pretty good but most were just ok. It's kinda strange that the commercials are as much a part of the Superbowl experience as is the game.

Today it is quite cold and rainy. A drop of only a few more degrees and it will begin to snow. As I look out the window here I can see some snow and rain mixed.

The entire student body is going skiing tomorrow. Well, most of us are. A few, like me, are stayig home. Lift tickets are about 25 Euros as are the tickets for any child over 12 years old. By the time we added rental on skiis, boots, and poles the cost is well over 50 Euros per person. That's a lot obviously and add on top of that the cost of buying proper ski apparel... Well, we would've needed to take out a small loan.

So, we'll just hang out here and have fun at home.

Have a great day.


1 comment:

Ekelund Fam said...

During the game at one point they were highlighting great players in NFL history. When Walter Payton came on the screen, Sue Paulson yelled, "Walter Payton Flude!" We miss you guys. We were reminiscing that we watched last year's Superbowl with you. :)