Saturday, February 23, 2008

Say What?

The other day we had a barbecue for our neighbor. It was his birthday. We invited as many people/students as we could find from the Centre. We had a great time. At one point, to conserve my dwindling supply of briquettes, I used a few sticks and twigs that were lying in a pile from some pruning that was done last fall. Of course, the kids all loved the fires in the 2 barbecues.

Then, yesterday, I told the kids to go outside and if they wanted to they could make a fire in our barbecue. Doing this is only slightly risky since I think it is probably not OK to do so but there was nobody around and it's not like our kids don't have experience managing camp fires whenever we go camping. And, besides, I was checking on them frequently as they were right outside the front door. In between checks there was a knock on the door. Through the glass window I could see that there was a kid standing on the porch. I opened the door and there stood Emma, bow and arrow in hand. (The kids have been making bows and arrows - remember the sticks I mentioned above - for the past week.) I said "Yes?" to Emma. Then, she says, "Hey dad, could I put this arrow in the fire and shoot it into the air! You know, a flaming arrow." I thought about it for about a second, recalling in my mind the flying marshmallow meteors my sister used to fling at me around the campsite fires when we were kids, and said, "Absolutely not." She took it well. Though disappointed she muttered, "OK".

That's all we need. Gendarmes at our door complaining that the neighbors have been seeing flaming balls of "stuff" flying through the sky near our home. Yikes!

Kids... ain't they fun!

Hope you all are doing great.

See you.


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