Thursday, January 31, 2008

Another day....

Just another day here in the "Big A". The tutor comes in few minutes. Ethan goes back to school in about 30 minutes (1:15 PM), and then I go back to class at 1:45. First thing on the schedule this afternoon is sitting in the Language Lab listening to some french dude speaking french (way too fast) into my headphones. I have found that in the darkened room, with everyone listening intently, I am able to get 30 or 40 minutes of sleep without much problem at all. (OK, so I'm kiddig. I am ususally able to get only about 15 minutes of sleep or so. Ha!)

Ethan's class went to the biblioteque today. The biblioteque is the library. He said he didn't have fun there because "all they had was books!" I knew it was gonna be a long day for him there because this morning Janice asked him, "Ethan, aren't you glad you get to go to the biblioteque today and have some fun?" His response came quickly.... "I don't want to have any fun today!" (He's beginning to sound more and more like his mother every day!)

C'est tout for now!

A demain,


1 comment:

Mrs. D said...

Awww poor Ethan! Don't make the poor boy have fun if he doesn't want to!

However Ethan, I find the biblioteque very fun and exciting! So many good books to read and so little time...

Happy "power napping" to you Steve!
