Monday, September 5, 2011

Monday, 5 September 2011

Hey there....
The saga of the generator continues.  We've now entered a rather strange condition:  The generator runds fines.  Goes for hours without a problem.  Only thing is it is still leaking oil and today we had the radiator removed so it could be cleaned.  This won't do much for the leaking oil (that fix will come later this week).  But, it should help with the non-functioning radiator.  Thankfully, it hasn't been that hot so there's been no problem.
The kids and I are doing well.  Everybody's healthy and we've all been eating pretty well.  Today we had fish and chips.  That is probably one of my favorite, if not favorite, things to eat here.  And, tonight we are having hobo stew.  First time I had hobo stew was in France when Payton and I went camping with some of the students at the language school we attended.
I expect to see the return of the radiator tonight and then we'll have electricity!.... maybe.
Been working my way through a myriad of paperwork in the office.  The last 4 months or so for Marcos were particularly difficult and things in the office bear that out.  No worries, though.  I'll just keep plugging along until it is done.
Solar panels and batteries are still giving me fits.  Performed many checks and verifications of connections and wires.  Just waiting to hear from my comrades in the States who have been helping me with the system.
Until next time....

1 comment:

G/Ma Judy said...

Love reading all the news even though we can't help you even one tiny bit,except to pray, which we do!
Ethan, it's almost youe Birthday!
GOD BLESS YOU AND A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY...we'll send a gift with your Mommy.