Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Hello There!
Hope everyone is enjoying a few days off from work this week as we all celebrate Thanksgiving.  This is our 2nd Thanksgiving in Chad.  Much has changed for us over the course of the past 12 months.  This year we are on our own as both of our teamates and their families left earlier this year.  Last year we had duck for dinner.  This year, Lasagna.
In many ways we are still just learning the ropes around here.  Language is still difficult.  The culture is still "different" and at times difficult to understand.  The weather can be a challenge especially during the rainy season.  But, we are also "old pros" when it comes to things like dealing with sickness, running the Welcome Center, and going to town.  None of these things, though, would've been possible without the countless prayers and notes and letters of encouragement we've received in the last 12 months.
While we do feel far away at times we've never, not once, felt alone.  That's not only because our God is here with us, but also because you are too.  We serve Him as best we can for we represent Him to our friends and neighbors.  And, we represent our Church, as well.
Sometimes I ask myself, "Knowing what I know now would I do it all over again?" My answer is always the same.  "Yes, a thousand times yes!"
His Word tells us to surrender everything to Him.  Easier said than done.  Perhaps the late Jim Elliot's words can help us all gain some perspective on doing His will in our lives:   He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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1 comment:

Papa and G'ma Judy said...

Thanks Steve for the nice Thanksgiving letter, We Thank God for each one of you all the time. Thanks for all you gladly do on the "front lines" and always know that you are near to our hearts and always on our minds. With much LOVE, Papa and G'ma Judy