Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday, 2 November 2009

Well now, it's been a while since my last post.  Sorry about that.  Been rather busy and our internet has been sporadic of late too.
We've really settled into a nice little routine of late.  Every night the older kids spend a couple hours after dinner outside playing with and talking with the neighbor kids.  It is amazing how fast they are learning Chadian Arabic, especially Payton and Gracey.  And, tonight, Payton even threw in some Mondong too.  Seems he's been listening to our workers when they are speaking their tribal language.  Unbelievable!
Our carpenter has been very busy lately as Janice has him making all kinds of furniture for the Welcome Center.  She's got such a great eye for what a room needs.  Lots of neat touches!
We also have a couple of guests who will be staying for 1 year (or more).  That's a blessing since we'll generate that income for at least 12 months.
Janice has been relatively healthy for quite some time.  I say "relatively" because she is still suffering from things like colds and stomache problems.  But, for the most part, everything's been good. 
On the other hand, Liddy is still suffering from periodic bouts of pain in her chest and fatigue.  When she feels this way Janice gives her some Tylenol and then she crashes for a couple of hours.
Generator's been running great and the batteries (if we cut power to major electricity users) have been giving us a good 5 hours of juice per day. 
So, nothing to complain about (except I could really go for a Slurpee!)
Hope you all have a great week.


G'ma Judy said...

Glad to hear that Janice is doing better and our prayers continue for Liddy and for each one of you to be safe from germs and rebels and all sorts of troubles!
Love, G'ma Judy

Anonymous said...

We're thankful life is going better for you all. Yes, children can learn languages very quickly. Our brother-in-law from Thailand attended an International School all his years. He knows 9 languages just from hearing them being spoken. Many people in Africa can speak 4-5 languages. Let them be with the Africans a much as possible and they'll be "pros" before you know it. We'll be praying for Liddy.
Blessings, June B.