Friday, January 23, 2009

See Alex, you are ornery when you cover your face!

Esther looks ready for bed!
Some new hair dos!

One of the friends from the Welcome Center.

Alex with her hand in the electronics!

Another friend helping in the kitchen.

Come on Emma, kitchen work is FUN!

Precious singing from Tawnee. I think she was using the shower to get the right accustics!


Anonymous said...

When your grandpa Ray sings in the shower, the water turns cold. Hope you have better luck! You do get an echo tho, when the water is not running, and usually no one is listening.....we got lucky ! Keep on singing in the rain....
G'ma Judy

The McCadam Fam said...

Hey what's happening Flude girls? You all seem to have grown a foot!!! Little Tawnee's head seemed almost even with the kitchen counter. So stop growing! Alex I love the it a perm? Emma Ray your long hair makes you look even taller!!Have you cut it at all? Good to see you smiling Keturah & Tawnee. Is it recent though or from before you got sick? I love seeing you all. Thank God that He and your mom and dad make beautiful children!!