Friday, January 23, 2009

More on family life


Anonymous said...

Love seeing all of you, anyway we can.

The McCadam Fam said...

So Payton I can see you are just like Brendan...avoiding the photographer as much as possible! We miss you too and love to see your handsome face! Now did my eyes decieve me or was that superman rocking out and playing Amudeus on the piano for us?? Good to see Ethan feeling better. (Unless this footage is out of order?)Janice nice to hear your voice even though we don't get to see you.....

Anonymous said...

Yes Lisa, these are pictures they sent a long time ago. There were dozens and dozens, so I have been trying to put them on alittle at a time. So these are from their first month or so there. Haven't gotten anything new yet.
Lisa C.