Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Baby news

OK, so those of you wondering what is going on with baby flude 10.0 here is the latest:

The baby has turned head down! Yippey. And, things are progessing in a good way. I am hoping that this last visit will stimulate things but we shall see.

Keep praying!! I would really like it to happen sooner rather than later. :)

Steven said sometime after 9 am (after he eats breakfast) or sometime after dinner would be nice. Isn't he funny??!!

so, more news once something happens.

thanks all for praying for us all,

1 comment:

The McCadam Fam said...

Aaahh good news! Hope the visit stirred things up. Can't wait to meet numeral dix! Oui Oui! Gods Speed....