Friday, April 18, 2008

Road Kill

I hope this post finds you all doing well this fine spring day. Things are moving along here rather nicely although it is funny how life's little annoyances - like getting sick in the middle of the night - can ruin a day's best laid plans.

As I write this entry, I am laying pretty much flat on my back in our bedroom thanks to the bout of stomach flu I seem to have contracted last night. So, spending my time with 2 of my closest friends (Herschey and Hughey), while they do keep me occupied, aren't really my idea of 2 fun-loving, hang-loose kinds of guys.

If there is one thing in this world that I really, really do not like it is throwing up. In fact, I can recall every one of these "fun" events going back to 8th grade.

There was the time I hurled on Thanksgiving day 1980. Then, I hurled again exactly 6 months later in May of 1981. And again on Thanksgiving day 1981. (Isn't this fun!)

I managed to avoid Mr. Hughey for over 10 years but he finally reared his ugly head in 1993 while we lived in Washington. He tagged me again about 6 months ago in Fergus Falls and then last night. YUCK!

I haven't had any sleep since 2 AM this morning and judging by the general condition of my stomach I doubt I'll be getting any sleep any time soon.

Thankfully everybody else appears to be healthy and I pray that they'll stay that way.

Thanks for reading my sad story.

See you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And it's not even Thanksgiving!

Sorry to hear your plight. It's always yucky to have the flu. I'm sure you'll be up and around in no time, although you probably wont be eating any prime rib any time soon.
Get well,