Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Side Tracked

Hello Everyone!

Sorry for the long delay in getting up a new post. We've been pretty busy around here especially for the last week or so since semester finals are on-going.

I took this photo the other day at Ethan's school and thought I'd share it with you all.

This is the unisex bathroom for all of the kids. I don't think even the most crusty person I know would want to drop his trousers and use one of these bad boys without the slightest bit of privacy. Very strange to our North American eyes to say the least.

More to come in the next few days.

Take care.



Mrs. D said...

Wow... the kids (except Caleb) were all pretty much appalled. Libby decided she was never going to visit France now. Caleb said he would have no problem taking a newspaper in and sitting for a while....

Glad to hear you are all well. Praying for all who are taking finals!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

You mean the boys and girls use it at the same time? Wow, that's uninhibited!
I think I'd be holding it alot!
Auntie Lisa