Thursday, April 10, 2008

C'est Fini!

Hello everyone,

I trust this posting finds you all doing well on this early spring day.

Well, semester finals are over. After 4 days of testing I can honestly say I'm ready to not speak French for a while. There's nothing quite like sitting in a room with a couple of teachers while they ask you a bunch of questions about "whatever". Our final test was something called "Oral Comprehension". It consisted of a 2 or 3 minute radio-style news report wherein the reporter did his Speed Racer impersonation. But, just to make it fair, we got to listen to the dialogue twice and then we could answer the questions. One thing I do know is that it was about cheese made in France that you drink wine with. Other than that, you'll need to listen to it yourself.

I thought I'd throw in a few pictures.
The kids finally conned Janice into playing killer bunnies with them.
I think she had "fun" but it was hard to tell because she spent most of her time (or so it seemed to me) trying to figure out just exactly how to play the cards.
Here's one of Liddy eating the biggest loaf of bread I've ever seen. I know the French like bread but come on.....
I can tell you that it didn't last very long.
Have a great day.


Anonymous said...

Janice- way to go! I've been playing K.B. with the kids since Christmas. It is a weird, aggravating, fun game, that I usually win! Not because I'm good, I just usually happen to have the right card at the end of the game!
Steven, that bread looks like it would make some fine, "famous Uncle Steves Sunday pizza bread!"
Happy break,

Ekelund Fam said...

YAY! Finals are over! Does that mean forever or for the quarter?

I miss KB!!!

1+1=13 said...

just for this semester...more to come in 5-6 weeks!!! Then it is finished!!! horray!!