Saturday, April 19, 2008

Road Kill Pt. II

Bonjour mes amis!

It's funny how a little stomach flu can throw my little world into turmoil. Not only do I feel horrible, but Janice is left to keep things running around here while I lie in bed recouperating. I feel like such a loser because it is not fair to her. Good news is, though, that I should be back up and running tomorrow. While I've only had one meal in the lasat 48 hours, I think I should be "normal" enough tomorrow to at least be net benefit to the household.

You know something? Lieing in bed here for the last 36 hours or so has got me to thinking about how sick I really am compared to some friends of ours.

Currently, Janice and I know of at least 6 people who are battling cancer. Many of these dear friends and family have stage 4 cancer. Now, I'm no cancer expert but any cancer called "stage 4 cancer" isn't good. When I think about my little bout with the flu compared to what these good people (and their families) are enduring it makes me feel like a selfish little girly-man. I may have thought I was dying, but I really wasn't. The flu is only about 48 hours of feeling lousy. Cancer is a months and months long time of feeling really lousy and fighting for one's life.

Please pray everyone involved in these real-life fights for life.



Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear that the flu had you held captive, and yes Thank God it wasn't cancer.
We just lost a good friend to Stage 4 lung cancer and it is so hard as you said for all involved and those left behind to carry on.
Thank God too for your commitment and abilities!Amen!
Lots of Love
Mama Juds

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear that the flu had you held captive, and yes Thank God it wasn't cancer.
We just lost a good friend to Stage 4 lung cancer and it is so hard as you said for all involved and those left behind to carry on.
Thank God too for your commitment and abilities!Amen!
Lots of Love
Mama Juds