Saturday, April 12, 2008

A Few Pictures

A few weeks ago Ethan's school had a parade. The kids spent many long hours making their outfits. You can see Ethan's handiwork in the images below.

After the parade he told me that it was a lot of fun except for the "part where we walked around everywhere".

That was pretty much all the kids did!

Once we all made it back to Ethan's school, the teachers burned this big ol' cardboard clown that the they had made. Not sure what that was about but I do know that the parents and students stood around and watched while it burned.

Then, later, the kids all got together and sang some songs that I didn't understand. One of our friends told us that the words had something to do with Christianity and Islam and other religions being equal. Yikes!

Today has been rather relaxing. Haven't been doing much of anything except playing with the kids.

Hope you all have a great weekend.



Anonymous said...

Hey Big E!! Very cool parade outfit. You did a great job! I think your Dad would look good in a hat like that.
Love Auntie Lisa

Anonymous said...
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