Thursday, April 9, 2009

Update on Liddy

Dearest my lovely family-- :)

Lid was seen by the doc who says indeed he believes it is viral because of her white blood count (Lymphocytes) being higher than normal. The fact that she has been sick for almost two months (will be 2months next week) and the virus has not gone away has him concerned. And, is the viral infection doing damage to her heart and or lymphs.??

He said he can not do more testing here in Chad and that we will need to travel to either France or America for further tests. He said we should monitor her for one more week and see what that brings and then make a decision then.

Neither Steven or I want to leave but of course one of us will if she is still having the same symptoms. We are praying for wisdom and healing.

Liddy is tired of feeling sick and just wants to run around and be normal. We had a family over to the welcome center and the other families that are staying there for food and fun and she had to sit out on all the volleyball and tag and was in tears a few times through the night. She has written us 2 letters saying she just wants to know what is wrong with her and doesn't want to be sick anymore.Pray for her.

Thanks for holding us in your thoughts and prayers,

love you all, jani


Mrs. D said...

We are praying hard for you all and especially Liddy!

Lot's of love -
The D's

Dad and Mom Corwin said...

We all know that God knowa what is happening and is in charge over all. May he be with you as you decide how to handle the outcome, next week,
Our Love and Prayers!
Mom and Dad Corwin

Auntie Cindy said...

praying for you Liddy, and each of you! love you guys,
Auntie Cindy