Thursday, April 9, 2009

Quite a story, and info on Liddy

Here is a story I never thought I would be telling but here goes.
About a month ago I was sitting outside with my chadian girlfriends and one of them noticed that Hudson had a snotty nose. He then sneezed and I wiped his nose. Then this one gal that noticed his snotty nose took him in her arms and pointed to his nose. I indicated with hand gestures that yes, indeed he had a cold and runny nose. I was putting my thumb and index finger up to my nose and pulling down as if to say that his nose was running a lot and he had a lot of snot. She then did the same thing and I shook my head yes thinking she was just saying the same thing and agreeing with it.
Well, what happened next tells me she was saying something very different. She turned my baby around to face her and put her mouth up to his nose and sucked, YES, I SAID SUCKED all the snot out of his nose. It made, or should I say Hudson made the weirdest noise as she was sucking for all she was worth.
While she was doing this I was shocked and totally taken aback. I started to gag and then my eyes started watering like a faucet, I had to cover my mouth because by now the gag reflux had kicked in and it wouldn't stop. The look on my face and my actions had all the other gals laughing. For some reason they all thought this whole ordeal was FUNNY. I, on the other hand, thought I was stuck in the Twilight Zone. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
When she had finished sucking she just turned her head and spit it all out and started talking again as if what she had just done was normal. I guess it was for her. They don't have blub syringes but they do have mouths that can suck the snot out and give their or my baby reliefe from a snotty nose. Amazing huh. I am forever changed.
The things that I, or should I say we have experienced since arriving here are life changers and it has only been 6 months. I wouldn't of ever thought a nice woman would want to suck my babies snot out to help him. Or that I would blow up like a blow fish from an allergic reaction to my malaria meds. I'm sure there will be many more experiences to come and I look forward to them. I told the children that if they catch a cold they better steer clear of the snot sucker or she may "help" them as well. :)

We are taking Lids to the clinic in the morning to see the doc who saw her last week. He will evaluate her and look at the list of aches and pains and temps we have been keeping for the last week. She will then have another blood test to check her blood count again and possibly a chest x-ray. We will let you know via email what comes out of our visit. love to you all,
jani for the fam


Mom said...

That is quite a story and one you can be glad has never had to be done by you Janice, they say necessity is the mother of invention and that seems to apply here!
Here's to thinking about lots of other things!
Love Mom

G'pa and G'ma said...

Liddy, we are praying for your sickness to go away and that until you feel all better you also feel our love constantly with you!
G'pa and G'ma

The McCadam Fam said...

beautiful pictures of you and your friends (although one looks as though she may be afraid of getting her picture taken!). Glad to hear Liddy is feeling better. Still ptaying for you all daily. Wow...the snot sucker...what a woman. Aren't moms, in general, shear geniuses?? LOL