Friday, October 10, 2008

October 10, 2008

Tonight here we are having a family fun night. Ladies made tacos. Yum yum.
Kirsten H. paid a women 4000 Francs (about 10 bucks) to make 75 tortillas. Not a bad deal. Janice brought a bunch of taco seasoning (from Costco) with us to Chad that had been sent to us in France. And, we even had some cheese.

Biggest problem for us has been drinking water. We currently have 4 catadyn filters running at the same time. They can produce about 10 gallons of water per day and we drink every bit of it.

We filter it, put it in 1.5 liter bottles, and then we put those in a gas refrigerator we keep on our porch (back porch... no white trash for us, I'll tell you). Then, we freeze water in our chest freezer (which we bought from the Hellands). We add the ice and cold water to our cooler whenever we need to. The cooler we purchased in the States before we left Fergus. It claims to be able to keep 5 gallons of water at 32 degrees or so for 5 days in 95 degree weather. I can tell you this - it does a great job on the water. Ice stays in there all day long.

Today, Janice hired a local girl to help clean 2 days per week. We originally planned on not have a helper but household chores are so different and time consuming here that it became apparent Janice (and the kids) could use some help.

Marcos and Dan have been terrific. They've made our transition smooth.
They aren't afraid of work either. Both are good guys who love the Lord and have a great passion for the Chadian people. They are amazing when we go to the market. (That's a story for another day.)



Anonymous said...

Wow, so different than we here in the states are used to! We take so much for granted.
We love you all.
Lisa C.

The McCadam Fam said...

I'm wondering what those beautiful Chadians thought of the incredible smell of "tacos" coming from your home!Do you think it's like home when we BBQ and the whole neighborhood can smell it? I wonder if they like it or not? Glad you all got to enjoy one small comfort (food) from home. We'll pray the filters keep working properly.
God Bless you all ~ Lisamccadam

Anonymous said...

It must be so hard not to be able to "host" like you would at home,and so fun to have things from home to share. Did any of the locals try the tacos?
We are so happy to hear that you were able to hire help, and that will probably help all of you understand the language better too.
Wow, what an adventure you are all on! Easy for me to say, huh?
Wish we could send things as easiy as we did when you were in France.
We miss you sooooooooo much, but one thing that I have done is to add to my arm a second watch on which I keep the time in Chad, so I can just look at it and see what time it is in "your world" and then I say a prayer for all of you! Somehow it makes me feel closer to you, though we are worlds apart. Sounds like a mom, huh?
We all miss you more than words can say....Thanks so much for the box of France Janice, it is cherished by me. Tell the other families that we so much appreciate their help to make your transition easier and I know that someday you will be doing the same for another family.
Love from HOME