Monday, October 6, 2008

$6 for a can of Pringles???

Things are going well here. Tawnee got bit by some bug that has very acidic something which gave her a blister (and which, we are told, if you pop it and the fluid touches other parts of your skin it will cause that skin to blister as well). And, Esther has a pretty good case of heat rash on her head so Janice cut her hair today so short it looks like she’s a boy.

Bugs are out in force. Janice and I have both been very busy. Shopping is a HUGE ordeal and we are still trying to get a handle on what we are going to do. We talked about it tonight and will probably opt for “hiring” a “shopper boy” who will do our shopping once a week. Without our Mission’s 2 other families here helping us (making us lunches, taking us to town, holding our hands, etc., etc.) we would be really struggling. As it is, it is quite an adjustment but not a bad adjustment.

Kids seem to be handling the heat well for the most part. Alex actually complains of waking up cold at night and Janice is experiencing some swelling in her legs and feet.

We have spent a fair amount of time trying to come up with a good system for keeping enough cold, filtered water around the house. It hasn’t been an easy task.

Electrical system has been giving us some problems too.

To give you an idea of what things cost around here check this out….

1 can of Pringles - $6

1 whole chicken - $8 (not bad until you see how skinny it was)

1.5 L bottle of soda - $4.50 (about what they cost in France)

I think we’ll eat a lot of hamburger, rice and beans.

Tomorrow we will be going to the Chadian LB Church in town. French language only! I am told I will need to introduce our family. I am going to say, “Bonjour. Nous sommes huereux d’etre ici. Merci!” Which means, “Hi, we are glad to be here. Thank you.” Then, I’ll sit down.

Life is good. Thanks for all your prayers and support.

Until the next time.

We went to church today at the French speaking Chadian church. It was fun and hot as we were packed in there wall to wall.
We have been unpacking lots and hope to get our crates by the end of this week.

Be praying for us as we adjust ( I know you have been!!).



The McCadam Fam said...

Oh my goodness...I'm sitting here crying for your struggles and wanting to fly over and deliver you a box of wonderful things!! Thank you to each and every one of you for the things you've given up...the things you're enduring..and the constant strong faith that you have. You are amazing. We will pray for "friendly" insects only (is there such a thing?)and that you find an honestly shopper boy.
God Bless you all.
Cool Washington hugs~ Lisamccadam

Anonymous said...

Wow! So much to get use to all at once, the bugs being one of the hardest....the heat also, getting acclimated to the climate could take a while! Our prayers are constantly with you! We love and appreciate all of your sacrifices!
Lots of Love