Tuesday, September 16, 2008


well we got our visas 5 days ago and we got our passport for hudson and we are leaving 14 almost 13 days and we are sooooo excited to leave and we cant wait.

Our bus picks us up at 6:30 am to take us to Lyon,but i will get up at like 4:00 or 5:00 and that is the start of a very long day.

We will arrive in N'Djamena at around midnight.here is a picture of our visa.
thanks to the lord for all he has done for us
including gettint these visas for us! love -broken bones-


April said...

Em', I can't wait to hear and see a video of you strumming your tannish colored guitar in the steaming hot sun!!!

Yes, I thank God along with you for your visa's and am so glad that you all get to reunite with your worldly possessions and a more permanent home! Although, selfishly I don't want any of you to get real comfortable there because I want you back here where I can see you more often!!!

God bless you all in your travels and know that you are well covered in our prayers.

Now, scream with excitement!!!

Love and miss you all,

Anonymous said...

Ok, the Visa's are in, now when do those Mastercards get there?

Ok, I'll stop.

It is all so very exciting, and finally getting here, yeah?

Love Auntie

1+1=13 said...

auntie lisa

that was a groaner!!!
your killing us girlfriend.

auntie jani

The McCadam Fam said...

Yahoo! Whew...doesn't that feel good to have the Visa's in hand this time! So happy for you all. Have a good trip and we'll be standing by for news from Africa!!!
Love ~Lisamccadam