Monday, March 3, 2008


I was just minding my own business while studying a bit after class when Gracey came over to tell me that there was a man at our house looking for me. So, I came home with her only to find the man talking with our tutor.

Turns out he was from the electric company and he was here to turn off our electricity. Apparently, we are using more electricity than the socialist government here allows per household.... no, that's not true. I'm just pulling your collective legs!

He was here to find out why we hadn't paid our electricity bill since we got here. To make a long story short, we determined that we have never been sent a bill because the school signed us up for the pay-twice-per-year plan. (I didn't know such a thing existed and if I did I would've never agreed to that.)

Well, because of the foul-up we didn't get our electricity turned off (yes, he was going to do that) but, as a result we now owe the electric company over 400 Euros. Yikes!

Janice is going with the Centre's secretary tomorrow to pay it off - all of it so that we don't get the electricity turned off.

Looks like this month will be a lot of rice and beans for dinner!

Hope you are all having a great week thus far.



Anonymous said...

What memories and a storehouse of stories you'll have to share with everyone!!
It never ceases to be exciting & 'electrifying'!
Sorry couldn't resist, just like your "shocking"!!

Ekelund Fam said...

Wow! That nust have been unnerving! I will pray that the rice and beans taste like steak and potatoes. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, so sorry! Maybe the mission group will pay,as they set it up and didn't tell you...
Love, G'ma Judy