Monday, March 17, 2008


Last week, Gracey was told by her French teacher that she and the other "younger kids" would be getting an extra hour of instruction per day to help them learn a little more French. This was met with mixed emotions by her because she really didn't want to be at school while Alex and Payton weren't there.

So, this morning, after we had finished devotions, somebody mentioned how Gracey needed to stay 1 hour longer today. Gracey put her head in her hands and Janice blurted out, "Hey, don't say that, Gracey's been laminating that all weekend!" I said, "Laminating?" Janice immediately burst out laughing - as did the rest of us. We had a good laugh and soon Janice was able to say, "I mean lamenting! She's been lamenting over this."

Such is life with the sometimes linguistically mixed-up Mrs. Flude. Much to her frustration - but our enjoyment - she does this sort of thing rather frequently.

Hope you all have a good day.



April said...

One of our sayings in Marseille both years was, "The longer I'm in France the worse my English gets."
I can identify with your word mixup!
LY and I get to see you this summer! Me and Ben are the luckiest little leperchauns ever!

Mrs. D said...

How funny! It's good you can laugh at yourself Jani. I'm laughing with you!

Poor Gracey, how did it go with her staying after?