Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Hi Everyone!
It's been a while since I last blogged and since Alex has been dropping me "subtle" hints like, "Dad, blog already" via Facebook I thought I'd spare her all t he anxiety and take her advice and post something.
Well, everything here is ok.  Welcome Center is very busy as we're pretty consistently over 60% occupied and things are rolling along just fine.
Most everybody has been healthy save for a few of the girls who've suffered from sinus infections.
We entertained a team of 16 people from the States who went to Cameroon for about 10 days.  It was great to help them "come and go" so to speak.  Good times.
Well, that's it for now.

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Mrs. D said...

That's it? I waited all this time for an update and this is all I get?? Well okay, I'm glad you are all relatively healthy...

Love to you all!

Steve said...

I agree with Mrs. D. If it's going to be a short posting, at least give us a photo or something!

Miss you buddy! Come on down to Gabon sometime. We'll reintroduce you to the color green... and give you a ride in the airplane!