Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What's Going On Around Here?

My apologies for the lapse in blog entries.  It's been a crazy couple of weeks since Janice and the kids got back.  Probably the most bizarre thing that happened was even after all the tests and exams that Janice had while in the States the doctors didn't discover a fourth malady until the day she left.  So, she arrived back here with a pretty good case of Giardia.  Thankfully, that is a common sickness here so getting the proper drugs wasn't any problem.  But, it does beg the question:  How come it took the doctors so long to determine what the problem with my wife was?
Today we will be welcoming some guests to the Welcome Center from the states.  And, one of them, Libby, will be living with us for the next year.  The kids are so excited (and so is Libby).  There's lots to do between now and the time their plane arrives tonight.  Unfortunately, I'm sick in bed with Malaria.  So, Janice and Gracey are doing the last minute errands.
Hope all of you who read this blog are having a great summer.  We are.
Until next time.

1 comment:

G'ma Judy said...

ssteve, so sorry about the malaria, our prayers are always going up for you and all the family! God be with You. G'ma Judy