Friday, July 10, 2009

Box of Cereal Anyone?

Well, today wasn't exactly your typical Chadian "hot season" day.  We awoke to temperatures below 70 degrees.  Even opened up the windows and let the cool air blow in.  It rained off and on most of the night so there was a good amount of water and mud all around.  After a rain like that bugs were expected this evening and they didn't disappoint.  There must be millions of flying termites in the air tonight.  Quite a site.
Nice thing about today was that it barely passed 90 degrees.  Ethan went to town with me today in long pants and a jacket!  Speaking of town, Emma went too and while we were there she wanted to buy her very own box of Frosted Flakes (Frosties as they are known here and in France).  Their cost?  4,250 Francs.  That's equivalent to about $9.00 or so.  And, that's not even a big box!  Funny thing is I bought 4 more boxes of similar cereal.  What a treat!  The kids ate a second breakfast when we got home around 9:30 AM.  Yum yum!!!!
We are looking forward to the weekend as our Director will be here along with 3 other people from the States.  They are just passing through and will only stay a few days as they are no their way back home after a couple of weeks here.
Hope you are all doing well.  We seem to be.  At least Janice and Emma are on the mend and everybody else looks to be doing well.
Until next time.


Mercy said...

What a joy to read about one of my favorite families. :-)Wow. Thanks. Praying for you daily!

Mercy said...

Flying termites? Yuuuuuum!! Have you tried grilling them? Delicious. (Seriously)

Alex said...

ewww!!! mercy thats disgusting!!