Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday, 11 November 2011

Hi Y’all….


Things are going well here.  Emma’s doing well too.


We took her to the hospital yesterday to have blood drawn in preparation for her appointment next week.  While she was having her blood drawn it struck me that God really does have a sense of humor.  It wasn’t too long ago that Emma was THE child in the family that hated needles.  In the past, she’s had such an emotional reaction to having to get a shot that I’ve seen blood shoot several feet from the injection point.  Now, she just sits calmly and waits as the doctor(s) do their thing.


It is amazing to me that the Lord would take our one child who hates needles and give to them a condition that requires they get stuck frequently.  I am not sure I will ever understand how or why He does things.


Hope you all have a great weekend.



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