Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday, 26 July 2010

It is a funny thing when, despite the fact that my wife and some of my kids are 1/2 a world away, I get reports from "helpful" individuals that it would be good if I blogged every now and then so that they can know what's going on.  Well, isn't that the reason I sent Janice home?  OK, not the reason at all, actually.  So, without further adieu here's my latest installment of "What's going on in Chad, Africa".
Absolutely nothing.
Thanks for checking in.
Oh, not funny, eh?  Well, what have we been doing?  Lots of stuff, much of it in preparation for leaving on the 15th of August.  Here, let me just give you a list of the things....
- A good friend came for 2 months and did many, many projects around the Welcome Center.  He even managed to have enough time to build a very nice BBQ.  It's gotta be the nicest BBQ in N'Djamena.  Thanks Marty!
- Completing various other mini-projects so that when the Holzners get here Marcos isn't running around frazzled trying to get stuff done instead of taking care of his family and making sure the guests at the Welcome Center have what they need.
- Trying to decide what we want to pack back to the States and what we want to stay here.  I find myself asking "Do I really need that when I go back?  Do I really want to bring it back here when we return in 2011?"
- Since we will be moving to the Welcome Center before we leave for about 1 week we have also been trying to decide how much stuff we will really need to take with us for that 1 week stay.  After all, it'll just have to be put back in the house when we leave.  (The Holzners will be staying in our house for the year so this necessitates our move.)
- I've also been spending a fair amount of time working with Janice on the things we will need for our stay in the States.  Things like car insurance, cell phones, doctor's visits, dentist appointments, etc., etc., etc.  Oh yeah, and we'll have 3 new drivers in our family as the oldest 3 will all be spending large chunks of time behind the wheel learning how to drive.  This activity, alone, will keep Janice and I busy.
- The kids and I have also been comparing notes on the bizarre dreams we've all been having.  For some reason, almost from the moment Janice and the kids left, we all started to have very strange dreams.  Not sure what that is all about although we have had a few good chuckles as we've talked about them amongst ourselves.
- We have also been trying to find ways to occupy our time.  The current game of choice is Acey-Ducey.  Earlier it was Uno.  There's also been a few games of Risk and a game of Settlers thrown in for good measure.
I am sure there's much I've left out.  One thing we have noticed is that since Payton isn't with us there seems to be more food in the house for the rest of the family.  Didn't really realize he ate as much as he does.  I'm thankful that at this time Grandma has the responsibility of feeding him.  My advice:  buy lots of mac and cheese.
Until next time.

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