Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Blessings From Chad

Hello everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

As I type this special note it is 97 degrees outside but a comfortable 90 degrees inside. We are having dinner tonight with some friends and both of the ladies have been cooking like Julia Child in the kitchen (with an assist from some of the kids, of course).

We splurged and bought some chickens and a duck. I saw coleslaw, potatoes, and even stuffing. Yum, yum.

We sure do miss everybody more so this time of year as it is tradition to spend more time with friends and family during the "holiday season".

Things are going well here. Everybody's been pretty healthy for the last couple of weeks and Janice, in particular, is back to her old self (I don't mean to imply she's "old" just that she's back to normal). Ha!

Early next week we will be going to a friends house a few kilometers away to spend a few days with them. We are looking forward to it since they live out in the bush and that is a total different way to live.

Thanks for praying for us and thanks, too, for the nice cards and e-mails you all send us. We've even received a few packages and boy were they ever PERFECT! Thanks to all of you who have sent stuff. It is such a blessing.

One of my all-time favorite memories of Thanksgiving is the time when my Father-in-Law, Ray, went out "real quick" to get some egg nog. (I can't say that I blame him as the house was literally filled to the gills with about 15 grandchildren all under the age of about 10, plus all of us adults.) Anyway, he finally returned about 5 hours later! I don't recall if had any egg nog or not. Since that time, if either Janice or I feel like we need to get out of the house for a few minutes we'll say, "I'm going to go get some egg nog!" (I also have fond memories of several different comments Ray has made while we're eating dinner but if I share those neither Janice nor my Mother-in-Law, Judy, will talk to me for days to come.)

Ray, you're the best and enjoy the day.

Until next time,

OHMS, steve


Mrs. D said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all you Fludey's! We miss you tons but are so thankful to the Lord for the work you are doing there and the blessing you must be to the people around you.

Steve, we loved the "egg nog" story! I'm thinking Marty can't wait for the next opportunity to use that line! :-)

Love and continued prayers-
Laura, for all the D's

Anonymous said...

Happy thanksgiving to you to!
I miss you all too much! Why cant I be there for christmas??

Love All of whom, who stayed in the USA.

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving sounded like a "FAMILY EFFORT" and a reason to reminise about Thanksgiving's past. Bittersweet, but still a way to find humor in the situation, whatever it may be!
Love Mom
P.S. The home looks spacious and we are happy for you about that!