Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday, 14 May 2010

Hello Everyone,
Been far too long b/t blog posts.  Sorry 'bout that.  With all the things we're doing unfortunately posting to this blog sometimes gets pushed to the bottom of the pile.  It's never too far from my consciousness it's just that while not too far away it is far enough away that it gets neglected. 
Today will be another busy day...
Janice and I are going to the doctor at 7:30 AM.  After that we will take some of the girls to a school at which they help every Friday.  Then, Janice and I will have our normal date/shop day in town.  Hopefully we'll be able to pick the girls up and be home by noon.  After hanging out at home we'll head off to the Marines "barracks" tonight to catch a movie with other Americans.  Should be a fun day.
The kids are getting pretty excited since Libby's dad arrives in one week.  He'll be leaving, of course, next Thursday and arriving here late at night on Friday the 21st.  He'll be staying for 2 months during which time he's gonna help me with some projects around here.  But, never fear, we'll make sure there's plenty of R&R for both he and Libby.  It should be a good time for them to reconnect after not seeing each other for so long.
Thanks for the prayers.  Everyone is reasonably healthy and things at the Welcome Center are going well.
Until next time.

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Alex said...

Thank you! :D

Dad and Mom said...

It is good to hear from you, thanks for making time in your busy schedule for the "fan club".
It does our hearts good to know that you have some fun in your plans. We are also excited for all of you that Marty will be there for two months and that will not only be fun, but it will be helpful and encouraging. All our LOVE always. Dad and Mom