Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday, 15 February 2010

Well, another typcial Monday here in the land of perpetual sun.
Lots of activity.  Let's see... There are a few guys digging a 75 meter long trench from the generator to the Welcome Center.  It's one meter deep and is for new electrical cable for all of the A/C units that have been installed.  The original cable isn't big enough.  There is also Gaston, our carpenter, working away on Welcome Center furniture.  He's back after having been gone for 3 days because of some sickness.  Then, there is my wife who is cleaning our room.  She tried to take a nap but said, "I decided that with the 3 or 4 flies that were dive-bombing me I wasn't gonna get any sleep.  So, I might as well clean the room." OK!  The girls are busy cooking and cleaning.  And, then there's the 2 oldest boys.  Both of them are playing:  Ethan with his toys.  Patyon is reading.  Emma and I (and Gracey for a time, too) spent about 2.5 hours earlier today working on the generator.  No, it wasn't mechanical.  We just changed the oil, cleaned the batteries, and then cleaned the generator.
We have a group of 18 people coming on Saturday for a 5 day conference.  Should be fun.  It is always great to see the conference room filled with folks.
Hope you all have a great week.
Until next time.

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